Iron pile will be removed from Hagia Sophia

                          "Hagi Sophia has a iron pier since 1993"

CHP deputy of Istanbul Cetin Soysal made a speech to TBMM general assembly and criticized Istanbul 2010 European Culture Capital Agency's studies. He described agency as "untalented" and "clumsy" . Behalf on government state minister Yazıcı responsed her questions and gave information about the agency. Then said that 151 million Tl transferred to agency and 91 of it is expense. Yazıcı also defined that agency has a staff working devotedly. He continued to his speech and added: there are studies for lighting historical places such as Topkapi palace, Hagi Sophia, Istanbul walls, Haydarpasa Train Station and Sirkeci. Yazıcı points that Hagi Sophia has an iron pier since 1993 in weights of 190 ton. And told that the agency will arrange this bad appearance. Iron pier will be removed from Hagia sophia until this year end. Thus Hagia Sophia will meet his normal view. Finally spoke about the projects that came to agency. There were 2197 projects and 400 of them was  accepted.

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