The Golden Routes Project ,that will make with the support of İstanbul 2010 European Culture Capital agency, started in 2 december. Project will meet Turkish art and artists in different 4 routes in 18 countries and 29 cities until 2010. The project will be in the way of Evliya Çelebi, Piri Reis,Franz Listz and Jules Verne who have immense imagination.First stage of the project is "In the way of Jules Verne/ Black Sea Voyage". This stage have the route of: Bulgaria Varna, Romania Köstence, Ukraine Odessa, Russia Soci, Georgia Batum. Second stage will be the "In the way of Evliya Çelebi". This stage includes the Balkans: Bulgaria, Makedonia, Kosovo, Serbia ve Bosnia Herzogevina. Last stage will be the "
In the way of Franz Liszt.Finally it will arrive to Pecs.
Golden Routes Project
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european culture capital,
Evliya Çelebi,
Franz Listz,
Franz Liszt,
Golden Routes Project,
Jules Verne,
Piri Reis
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