Culture Capitals 1985 to 2019

As we mentioned before with new millenlium it was started to given more than one city. Here is a list of capital cities during 1985 to 2019:

2019 - Italy
2018 - Netherlands, Malta
2017 - Denmark, Cyprus
2016 - Spain, Poland
2015 - Belgium, Czech Rep
2014 - Sweden, Latvia
2013 - France, Slovakia
2012 - Portugal, Slovenia
2011 - Finland: Turku, Estonia: Tallinn
2010 - Germany: Essen, Hungary: Pecs , Turkey: Istanbul
2009 - Austria:Linz, Lithuania: Vilnius
2008 - UK: Liverpool, Norway: Stavanger
2007 - Luxembourg : Luxembourg & Greater Region, Romania: Sibiu
2006 - Greece: Patras
2005 - Ireland: Cork
2004 - France: Lille, Italy: Genova
2003 - Austria: Graz
2002 - Belgium: Bruges, Spain: Salamanca
2001 - Portugal: Porto, Netherlands: Rotterdam
2000 - France: Avignon, Norway: Bergen, Italy: Bologna, Belgium: Brussels, Poland: Cracow, Finland: Helsinki, Czech Republic: Prague, Iceland: Reykjavik, Spain: Santiago de Compostela,
1999 - Germany: Weimar
1998 - Sweden: Stockholm
1997 - Greece: Thessaloniki
1996 - Denmark: Copenhagen
1995 - Luxembourg: Luxembourg
1994 - Portugal: Lisbon
1993 - Belgium: Antwerp
1992 - Spain: Madrid
1991 - Ireland: Dublin
1990 - UK: Glasgow
1989 - France: Paris
1988 - Germany: Berlin
1987 - Netherlands: Amsterdam
1986 - Italy: Florence
1985 - Greece: Athens

As you see in the list, there will be 3 capital city at the same time in 2010.


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What is it-European Culture Capital ?

The idea of "European Culture Capital" was came up with first time in 1985 by Greece Culture Minister Melina Mercouri. Same year European Union Council of Ministers determined the content and put into practice. From 1985 to 2000 one cities of countries which are member of European Union was selected as European Culture Capital. In 2000, European Culture Capital title was given more than one city because of new millennium and also it was started to given candidate of European Union countries' cities.


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Night view of bosphorus bridge

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The culture capital of Europe 2010: İstanbul

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